Communicate from your ~higher self~ when faced with negativity

Quite often in our daily lives we can feel bombarded with other people's "stuff." This can show up as a person "dumping" their emotions on you, being surrounded by their complaining, or by feeling judged or emotionally attacked by another. In these moments the negativity surrounding us can feel very repulsive and often triggers our own negativity. More often then not, this causes us to react in a mirroring way. We might get defensive or even become controlling as we try to stop the "emotional oil spill" that is spoiling our otherwise joyful moment. Usually this type of reaction only makes the negativity grow bigger and everyone involved simply grows more agitated.
I myself experienced a situation like this not too long ago. What I have come to realize, is that we all have a "higher self" or a loving place of good that we are capable of coming from, and that overall, we all just want to feel good and ultimately be kind to one another. It's not always easy, however, to know how to do this, especially in times when we are emotionally triggered. I'm beginning to recognize, that in these moments where we feel overwhelmed with another's negativity, if we can take a deep breath and respond to the other's "higher self" that we know they have, rather then the negative place they are presently coming from, then the situation will begin to neutralize or at least cease to escalate.
Here's an example. My friend was on Orcas Island with his sister, and they decided to take a walk along the ocean side but had to pass a "no trespassing" sign to get there. They chose to go ahead anyhow knowing that they would respect the environment and wildlife around them. As they were walking along enjoying their surroundings and the beauty of the wildlife, a man came barreling down the hill yelling obscenities at them and demanding that they leave. Becoming triggered, my friend's sister immediately started to yell back. Feeling defensive and attacked she stood her ground as they engaged in verbal battle. As their anger was escalating, my friend took a moment to pause and then approached the man with kindness and a smile. My friend said that he was sorry they had trespassed and he acknowledged that the angry man was only trying to protect the natural surroundings from any disrespectful intruders. His anger immediately dissipated as he felt my friend's kindness, and he peacefully began to discuss his passion for preserving the environment. The scene ended with an uplifting conversation where they were able to share their mutual respect and appreciation for the beauty of this natural preserve.
So my hot tip for you is this: Next time you feel bombarded by another's negativity, try taking a deep breath, and respond from your compassionate higher self to the other's higher self, and notice how differently you feel and how the other might also shift, bringing the otherwise negative experience to a more positive place!
I myself experienced a situation like this not too long ago. What I have come to realize, is that we all have a "higher self" or a loving place of good that we are capable of coming from, and that overall, we all just want to feel good and ultimately be kind to one another. It's not always easy, however, to know how to do this, especially in times when we are emotionally triggered. I'm beginning to recognize, that in these moments where we feel overwhelmed with another's negativity, if we can take a deep breath and respond to the other's "higher self" that we know they have, rather then the negative place they are presently coming from, then the situation will begin to neutralize or at least cease to escalate.
Here's an example. My friend was on Orcas Island with his sister, and they decided to take a walk along the ocean side but had to pass a "no trespassing" sign to get there. They chose to go ahead anyhow knowing that they would respect the environment and wildlife around them. As they were walking along enjoying their surroundings and the beauty of the wildlife, a man came barreling down the hill yelling obscenities at them and demanding that they leave. Becoming triggered, my friend's sister immediately started to yell back. Feeling defensive and attacked she stood her ground as they engaged in verbal battle. As their anger was escalating, my friend took a moment to pause and then approached the man with kindness and a smile. My friend said that he was sorry they had trespassed and he acknowledged that the angry man was only trying to protect the natural surroundings from any disrespectful intruders. His anger immediately dissipated as he felt my friend's kindness, and he peacefully began to discuss his passion for preserving the environment. The scene ended with an uplifting conversation where they were able to share their mutual respect and appreciation for the beauty of this natural preserve.
So my hot tip for you is this: Next time you feel bombarded by another's negativity, try taking a deep breath, and respond from your compassionate higher self to the other's higher self, and notice how differently you feel and how the other might also shift, bringing the otherwise negative experience to a more positive place!
M>3 The Manifestation Magic of Mantras...

Here's the key about Mantras and how they work. You repeat an affirmation to yourself that is strictly in the POSITIVE. You use your words as if you are ALREADY exactly where and how you want to be. Here's a great example of a few Mantras that you can use before you create your own…
"I say YES to having my life work all the time."
"I love myself, and I am confident, beautiful, and successful."
"I say YES to a career that pays me more money that I can spend."
"I say yes to a career that provides me with satisfaction, fun, and low stress."
Do you see how it works? Repeating your mantra/s every morning and every night (or more) will physiologically start to change the thinking and processing pathways of your brain. They will change your mood and bringing you into alignment with the reality you WANT! Go ahead, try it for a week and see how you feel!
~may the manifestation magic of mantras bring you your dreams…
"I say YES to having my life work all the time."
"I love myself, and I am confident, beautiful, and successful."
"I say YES to a career that pays me more money that I can spend."
"I say yes to a career that provides me with satisfaction, fun, and low stress."
Do you see how it works? Repeating your mantra/s every morning and every night (or more) will physiologically start to change the thinking and processing pathways of your brain. They will change your mood and bringing you into alignment with the reality you WANT! Go ahead, try it for a week and see how you feel!
~may the manifestation magic of mantras bring you your dreams…
Be a peaceful warrior & stay in your power!

If your boss, co-worker, family member, or friend says something to you that makes you feel bad in any way, rather than just accepting it as the truth, try saying "that's a thought," and return your power back to yourself. You are communicating now from an empowered place, that what they've just said is simply a thought and is not necessarily true or false or yours to own. Rather it is a mere reflection of the perspective of the other person.
If you're willing, try this out next time you get faced with negativity, simply say "that's a thought" and watch how differently the scene and your emotions unfold!
If you're willing, try this out next time you get faced with negativity, simply say "that's a thought" and watch how differently the scene and your emotions unfold!