28 Day Mental Cleanse & Spiritual Detox + BONUS Coaching Call!
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Are you feeling stressed out, overwhelmed, or consumed with negative mind loops?
How much is this pattern exhausting you of your energy and stealing your joy?
Did you know that how you begin your day will set the tone for all the events that follow..
How do you start your day?
Do you have a tendency to start your day like it's a race?
Jumping out of bed, trying to beat the clock, and overwhelmed with emails and social media messages right from the get go?
While your intention may be to start the day productive and get a lot done, the truth is that starting your day this way causes the stress hormone cortisol to race through your veins.
Research shows that when you start your day like this, you are actually less likely to be as productive, and are more prone to being reactionary and functioning on auto-pilot.
Where's the ease in that?
This is the inspiration for creating the 28 Day Mental Cleanse & Spiritual Detox.
This cleanse offers you daily invitations sent to you via email,
to explore new mindsets and uplifting rituals,
calling in more ease, joy, and overall wellbeing into your everyday life.
As you create a new morning practice, you create a new habit to check in with your wellbeing first thing, which elevates your thoughts and creates mindfulness practices for you to engage in throughout the day.
Is your life asking for a new sense of cleansing from the usual grind in how you start your day? Are you ready to shift from mindlessness to consciousness?
Once you enroll, you will receive an email to opt-in and enter your information so you can start receiving your daily tools, tips, and invitations straight to your inbox. Each email has a simple daily "assignment" with step by step instructions that will enhance the quality of your life, so you can:
- Feel connected, inspired, and in your flow
- Learn new tools to release fear and self-doubt
- Get un-stuck and move forward
- Create lasting change in alignment with the greatness of your authentic self
- Be supported and cheered on from the comfort of your own home or even when you're out and about
Each assignment is very straightforward and you can adapt each one to suit your needs and desires.
But wait... There's more!
I'm adding a new BONUS of a one to one, complimentary 40 minute Breakthrough Discovery Call with me!
This way we can take a moment to focus in on the areas of your life where you are feeling stuck and create a shift!
If you would like to have the success and fulfillment that you desire, it's important to develop new daily practices so that you can experience even greater levels of ease and joy!
I wonder how much magic this choice can create for you and your life!?
I look forward to connecting with you soon,
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